How to Get the New Welcome Back Again Achievement in Theme Park Tycoon

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Romantical Skeptic

Here was the main bespeak of the book (equally well equally the book within this book) summarized in a few lines spoken by the protagonist:

"How to Trap a Tycoon is a book that tells women how to go virtually getting ... squeamish things, things that they don't already have because they've been denied them by men."

How has this book not concluded up on the banned list for this nonsensical premise!!?? Surely this is a more dangerous volume than Lolita ever was? It'due south basically saying that because


Here was the main point of the book (every bit well as the book within this volume) summarized in a few lines spoken past the protagonist:

"How to Trap a Tycoon is a volume that tells women how to go about getting ... nice things, things that they don't already have considering they've been denied them by men."

How has this book not ended up on the banned list for this nonsensical premise!!?? Surely this is a more dangerous volume than Lolita ever was? Information technology's basically saying that because traditionally women take tended to be at an economic disadvantage, the way to even out that deviation is to WHORE THEMSELVES TO A Human WITH Money?? How does that not but EXACERBATE the bloody problem? Oh, so you don't accept economical ability and then why don't you only brand yourself so desirable a squeamish rich man volition fall for y'all and and then yous can have everything you want, babe! Are y'all kidding me?

Nothing virtually educating yourself so YOU can claim economical advantages for YOURSELF? How about arming yourself with the tools to learn economical power (a fulfilling job, the chapters to provide for yourself, retaining control of your torso etc)? Yous actually think trapping a man is going to solve the whole gender ability distribution thing?

Yes. I know this is "just fiction", just some lighthearted fun and games. Only I merely tin't let this type of silliness become. It hurts my encephalon.

I managed a more detailed rant here but right now, I simply Tin can'T become on... http://theromanticalskeptic.blogspot....

May 29, 2012 rated it did non like information technology
I lost involvement in this book very, very speedily merely made a indicate of struggling to the end, for no other reason than to analyse my negative reactions and etch an informed if not balanced review.

The comprehend of How to Trap a Tycoon screams CHICK-LIT, as do the metatags on virtually of Ms Bevarly'south long backlist of similar novels. The book starts off in character, introducing a cheerful and intelligent heroine who's holding down 2 jobs: Teaching banana at a pocket-size women'due south college, and bartender at a

I lost interest in this book very, very quickly simply fabricated a bespeak of struggling to the terminate, for no other reason than to analyse my negative reactions and etch an informed if non balanced review.

The cover of How to Trap a Tycoon screams CHICK-LIT, as practise the metatags on most of Ms Bevarly's long backlist of similar novels. The volume starts off in grapheme, introducing a cheerful and intelligent heroine who'south holding down two jobs: Teaching assistant at a small women'south college, and bartender at an sectional men'southward lodge. We discover that she's also the hole-and-corner author of the eponymous How to Trap a Tycoon best-seller, which she oftentimes discusses with her Folklore 101 students in higher and hottie Adam Darien, a existent-life publishing tycoon who frequents the exclusive men's club at which heroine Dorsey MacGuiness ("Mack") works the evening shift.

Sales of Mack'due south volume escalate and her publisher insists that she adopt the persona of the fictional writer and brainstorm to piece of work the promotion circuit. Mack reluctantly agrees to get through with the charade as the profits from the book are intended for her tycoon-trapping mother Carlotta, who is quickly running out of patrons and saccharide daddies and uncertain about her financial future. Carlotta too happens to exist the inspiration and informant for the book, virtually of which is based on experience gained from a lifetime of horizontal liaisons with the rich, famous...and married.

From this indicate on, the narrative could have gone in one of several directions. Ms Bevarley could accept focused on the improbable simply entertaining double-life that Mack is forced to lead, or the parallel between the calculated tycoon-trapping in her book and the natural attraction that'due south developing between Mack and Adam. Instead, she brings ii side characters to the fore and the story begins to lose balance. Lucas, the top writer for Adam's flagship Human being'south Life magazine, proposes an expose of the 'real' writer of How to Trap a Tycoon. Adam decides he'd like to exercise it himself and assigns Lucas to spoof the best-seller with a feature on How to Trap a Female Tycoon. Lucas has piffling success in his venture, mainly because he'south besides besotted with Edie, some other bartender at Mack'south club. Adam stalks 'Lauren Grable-Monroe', Mack'due south alter persona, on her lecture and book-signing bout, and the reader has to swallow the premise that an itchy blond wig, heavy make-up, bra padding, and killer dress are sufficient to make Mack unrecognisable to someone who's spent almost evenings chatting with her over a bar counter.

Instead of cranking up the activity, Ms Bevarly slips into extremely long and very tedious internal monologues from each of the 4 leading characters: Mack, Adam, Lucas and Edie. She and then throws in broken homes, adoption, abuse, prostitution, emotional trauma and an oppressive deadweight of other plot devices that belong in another genre and, more unfortunately, don't brand sense.

What could have been a calorie-free-hearted romantic comedy morphs into a bipolar pastiche of a mainstream romance, and a poor one at that.

I've no idea how or why an established author could have permit narrative and characterisation get so out of mitt. Carelessness? Haste?

And how could the multiple iterations of 'Ghandi' instead of 'Gandhi' have made it through the editorial process?

...more than
WOW. Riddled with mispellings and a blatant error on the dorsum cover...did anyone fifty-fifty edit this piece of crap????
Aug 27, 2017 rated it liked it
A fun read, but with moments that didn't make a lot of sense.

I liked the story in this book. It was fun and engaging with moments where I really was curious most certain characters at times.

Dorsey MacGuinness has a secret. She is the highly sought after author of How to Trap a Tycoon, only she would rather be known for her sociology piece of work rather than that novel she wrote, which is why a pen name as Lauren Grable-Monroe is and so important. As she is doing research for her folklore dissertation,

A fun read, but with moments that didn't make a lot of sense.

I liked the story in this book. It was fun and engaging with moments where I actually was curious almost certain characters at times.

Dorsey MacGuinness has a secret. She is the highly sought after author of How to Trap a Tycoon, only she would rather exist known for her sociology piece of work rather than that novel she wrote, which is why a pen proper noun as Lauren Grable-Monroe is so important. As she is doing research for her sociology dissertation, she is starting to feel more than just academic interest in one of her "research subjects."

Adam Darien is the publisher of Man'southward Life, one of the nation's leading men's magazines. He finds Dorsey incredibly interesting and sexy, merely he is not a fan of Lauren. His plan is to betrayal Lauren for the fraud she is while trying to observe a way to make Dorsey a fixture in his chamber and his life. Little does he know that Dorsey and Lauren are one in the same.

I found the subconscious identity dynamic kind of interesting. Dorsey wants to distance herself from Lauren so much that where Lauren is a blonde bombshell in a mini skirt, Dorsey is a brunette in a flannel shirt. It is an interesting scenario, only not i I haven't read before. Dorsey starts off a bit of a stick-in-the-mud kind of graphic symbol, focusing strictly on the academic and trying to ignore the adult female side of herself. Then much and then that when she is a bartender at Drake's, a prestigious men's club, gathering information for her dissertation, she wears a wedding ring to make it seem like she is married. Of grade, that would have been a very interesting plot to follow along with the Lauren storyline, simply it is quickly dropped when Dorsey and Adam begin their relationship, almost like it never happened.

Dorsey's transformation throughout the story as she begins to embrace $.25 of Lauren start to meld her into a more likable grapheme that we are able to enjoy. It just takes a moment to get there.

Adam is the same in many ways likewise. He starts off with this intense hatred of Lauren and this passing interest in Dorsey. When he thinks she is married, he doesn't pursue her because he doesn't desire to be the cause of a spousal relationship to autumn apart like his own had already done. He starts to modify slightly equally he begins to develop feelings for Dorsey beyond physical desire. Information technology is actually sugariness how much he wants to be with her and about becomes a scrap clingy as well.

At that place is also a pocket-size romance between Adam'southward right hand homo, Lucas, and Dorsey'southward co-worker, Edie. At first I really enjoyed watching this side romance start to bloom. Slowly you learn more about Lucas' and Edie's back stories, which start to evidence that at that place are is more to the cynical Lucas and the sunny Edie. What I didn't expect and what pulled me out of the lighthearted story I was reading before was the total revelation of Edie's backstory. Although it is hinted at that there is more than to Edie than meets the eye, when the full story is revealed it took me virtually completely out of the story because it seemed almost too dark for a character that when y'all kickoff run into her is reading the How to Trap a Tycoon book like all the other young women. I didn't detest it, simply it did pull me completely out of the story with how dark her backstory became.

Overall, I liked the story a lot, just it does take a infinitesimal to go into since Dorsey starts off existence and so bland and the interesting plot line of Dorsey being "married" is dropped so early on. I know that the main charade needed to be the fact that Dorsey and Lauren were one in the aforementioned and she hadn't revealed that to Adam, knowing his feelings most Lauren, only I felt like it was a wasted opportunity. As already stated, the Edie backstory in the side romance was only too nighttime for such a bright character in my opinion.

I would read this story again, simply it won't be anytime shortly.

Leasa Mcintosh
Feb 20, 2011 rated it really liked it
This volume was remommended and lent to me by a friend. Information technology's about a daughter who writes a "How To" book about bagging a tycoon. She writes information technology under a pseudonym and all the profits become to her mother. Unexpectedly, the book becomes a national all-time-seller, throwing her life into an uproar while she is trying to go along her pseudo-cocky separate from her work self, separate from her real self. I guess the overall theme of the book is self-discovery/credence. I too like the fact that the secondary character This book was remommended and lent to me by a friend. Information technology'due south virtually a girl who writes a "How To" book almost bagging a tycoon. She writes it under a pseudonym and all the profits go to her mother. Unexpectedly, the book becomes a national best-seller, throwing her life into an uproar while she is trying to keep her pseudo-self separate from her piece of work self, separate from her existent self. I guess the overall theme of the book is self-discovery/acceptance. I as well like the fact that the secondary characters are multi-dimenssional. Nosotros go a glimpse into the other characters' lives and find out how they were adult. Now, reflecting back on what I merely said nearly the book, I do want to say that this is a "randy little romance novel"! It is certainly not for the sheepish or easliy embarassed. There are some parts that become rather explicit. I applaud Elizabeth Bevarly for existence then brave! I could never write like that! I thouroughly enjoyed this book. Information technology was a perfect residue of one-act, drama and romance. Well written!
Kat McKay
I only gave this volume 2 stars because it had potential, just could have been meliorate. Commencement off, the over abundance of qualifiers, grapheme asides and run on sentences was annoying. I can see how the author was using this as her fashion, merely it was the equivalent of chirapsia me over the caput due west/said manner. 2nd, there are really ii stories going on in this book, the one well-nigh Dorsey (the main character) and one-half mode through she gets into Edie's story, which, in my stance, was far more interesting I just gave this book two stars because information technology had potential, but could accept been better. Kickoff off, the over abundance of qualifiers, graphic symbol asides and run on sentences was annoying. I can see how the author was using this as her way, but it was the equivalent of beating me over the caput west/said style. 2d, there are really two stories going on in this book, the one virtually Dorsey (the chief graphic symbol) and half way through she gets into Edie's story, which, in my stance, was far more than interesting than Dorsey, who repeatedly said things similar "goodness!" and "heavens!" as exclamations. The only women I know who say such things are well into their 80s. It merely didn't seem advisable for Dorsey's age. The Edie story was far more interesting! I found myself skipping alee to read well-nigh her and once her story ended, I went back and trudged through Dorsey's. ...more than
It's not the showtime time I have read this, merely i will read it again and again every couple of years simply to put that grinning on my face and a piddling fuzzy romance in my heart. This is a fun book for entertainment value alone but for deep profound truths. The romance is sweet, the honey scenes are not explicit, just enough comedy not to be a one-act and each graphic symbol is developed but enough to go on the storyline moving. Another feel good novel by Elizabeth Bevarly. It's not the first time I accept read this, but i volition read it once again and again every couple of years only to put that smile on my confront and a little fuzzy romance in my heart. This is a fun book for entertainment value alone but for deep profound truths. The romance is sweet, the love scenes are non explicit, just enough comedy not to be a comedy and each character is developed merely enough to keep the storyline moving. Another feel practiced novel by Elizabeth Bevarly. ...more
Diah Didi
Jul 27, 2011 rated it it was amazing
This is my very first of Elizabeth Bevarly. The only reason I decided to read it merely because of the cover.
But it turned out that the story was practiced, too.
I ever beloved theme where i of the character had to live a double identity. Guess it because of the adrenaline of existence agape of getting caught up. :)
I'd give 4 stars for the story. But I really loved the cover and so I gave it v stars. ^^
This is my very first of Elizabeth Bevarly. The only reason I decided to read it just because of the cover.
Merely it turned out that the story was adept, likewise.
I always dearest theme where ane of the character had to live a double identity. Guess information technology because of the adrenaline of being afraid of getting caught upwardly. :)
I'd requite 4 stars for the story. But I really loved the encompass and then I gave it v stars. ^^
Marijayne Stegman
A nerdy girl uses her flamboyant mother'southward experiences to write a book on how to trap a millionaire never imagining in a million years the impact it will take on her life. Loved the casual easy relationship the main characters autumn into. Much similar real relationships that aren't formal and structures. A nerdy daughter uses her flamboyant mother'southward experiences to write a book on how to trap a millionaire never imagining in a 1000000 years the affect it will have on her life. Loved the casual easy relationship the principal characters fall into. Much similar real relationships that aren't formal and structures. ...more
Leslie aka StoreyBook Reviews
Dorsey is a struggling TA and bartender that writes a best selling "how to" book on how to trap a tycoon. Nonetheless, no one knows that she is the one that wrote the book and would like to proceed information technology that way. Notwithstanding, her publisher has other ideas.

This is a cute volume, fluff and not too in depth or difficult to read. very enjoyable

Dorsey is a struggling TA and bartender that writes a best selling "how to" book on how to trap a tycoon. Notwithstanding, no i knows that she is the one that wrote the volume and would like to keep it that way. However, her publisher has other ideas.

This is a cute book, fluff and not likewise in depth or difficult to read. very enjoyable

Oct 25, 2012 rated it liked it
I would take liked more with the characters interacting with each other rather than thinking near the other. The subplot was good, just I would have liked it to be faster paced. But it was a mindless read.
eugh. didnt terminate, tried to simply didnt like the characters unfortunately
Trudy Whatnot Books
Cute girly book if not totally predictable. Rom/Com.
Kevin Connery
Oct 23, 2011 rated it actually liked it
Another "subconscious writer" blazon volume, where the writer of a bestseller is really someone else. In this 1, the dialog and setup is archetype screwball, and done quite well.
May 06, 2009 rated it really liked it
This is a quick and fun read, and not bad add-on to any bookshelf, Elizabeth Bevarly doesn't disappoint.
I always love a quick go-to beach read. They are simple and fun. This is one of them.

Elizabeth Bevarly was built-in and raised in Louisville, Kentucky and earned her BA with honors in English from the University of Louisville in 1983. Although she tin't recall e'er wanting to be anything simply a novelist-oh, all right, she toyed briefly with becoming an archaeologist, until she realized how awful she looked in khaki and flannel, and at that place was a brief fling with the interior decorator th

Elizabeth Bevarly was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky and earned her BA with honors in English language from the University of Louisville in 1983. Although she can't recall always wanting to be anything only a novelist-oh, all right, she toyed briefly with becoming an archeologist, until she realized how awful she looked in khaki and flannel, and at that place was a brief fling with the interior decorator affair, until she realized she had trouble distinguishing chintz from moirĂ©, and… (Where was I? Oh, yes. My brilliant career.) Anyway, her career side trips before making the bound to writing included stints working as a bartender, a waitress, a movie theater cashier, a soap-hawker for Crabtree & Evelyn, an apparel-hawker for The Limited, and a conjugal registry consultant for a major section store. She also did time as an editorial assistant for a medical journal, where she learned the correct spellings and meanings of a variety of words (like microscopy and histological) which, with any luck at all, she will never use once again in this life.

She wrote her first novel when she was twelve years onetime. It was 32 pages long-and that was with higher dominion notebook paper-and featured iii girls named Liz, Marianne and Cheryl, who explored the mysteries of a haunted house. Her friends Marianne and Cheryl proclaimed it "Vivid! Spellbinding! Kept me up past dinnertime reading!" Those rave reviews only kindled the fire inside her to write more.

Since sixth grade, Elizabeth has gone on to complete more than than 60 works of contemporary romance. Her novels regularly appear on the USA Today and Waldenbooks bestseller lists, and The Affair About Men was a New York Times Extended List bestseller. She's been nominated for the prestigious RITA Award, has won the coveted National Readers' Choice Award, and Romantic Times magazine has seen fit to honor her with two-count 'em Two-Career Achievement Awards. Her books have been translated into two dozen languages and published in three dozen countries, and there are more than than ten 1000000 copies in print worldwide. She has claimed as residences Washington, DC, northern Virginia, southern New Bailiwick of jersey and Puerto Rico, but she now resides back in her native Kentucky with her husband and son and 2 very troubled cats where she fully intends to remain.


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